How are traffic citations resolved?
Most traffic citations can be reduced or dismissed. A driver that is convicted for a moving violation will receive points on their license and increased insurance premiums. Our goal is to handle your citation so that you will not get points on your license and to keep your insurance costs minimized. Some examples of common reductions are:
*Improper Equipment (IE): Used for speeds up to 20 mph over the speed limit. Ideal outcome as there are no points on license or insurance, like a broken taillight.
*4 hour Defensive Driving School: Used to get an IE when speed exceeds 20 mph over the limit, OR have used an IE in the last three years.
*8 hour Defensive Driving School: Used to get an IE when speed exceeds 20 mph, OR attended 4 hour DDS in last three years, OR have used an IE in the last three years.
*Prayer for Judgment Continuance (PJC): Used to reduce the citation so it does not effect license or insurance, limited to one every three years for insurance and two every five years for DMV purposes. Only liable for the court costs, no fines.
*Voluntary Dismissal: Best outcome possible, charges are dismissed by the State, no license or insurance points and no court costs.
-Dave Gross