Understanding Felony Expungement Laws in North Carolina: A Gross Law Group Guide

Navigating the aftermath of a felony charge is a daunting feat. Regardless of the circumstance, a criminal conviction casts a lasting shadow across your life, creating challenges while hindering opportunities. At the Gross Law Group, we understand the profound impact a felony conviction can have on one's life, and we're here to assure you that there's hope for a fresh start: felony expungement. In North Carolina, felony expungement allows qualifying individuals to overturn their conviction and reclaim their future. However, the process is complex, and, to approach it successfully, requires [...]

By |2024-02-28T16:07:32+00:00February 28, 2024|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Understanding Felony Expungement Laws in North Carolina: A Gross Law Group Guide

Felony Drug Charges in North Carolina

A felony drug charge in North Carolina should never be taken lightly. They cast a long shadow on a defendant's life, leaving behind a permanent and unforgiving mark on their record. Navigating a drug-related charge is an arduous feat since the situation, quantity, and type of substance all play a substantial role in your case. Our expert team at the Gross Law Groups understands the gravity of these charges, and we aim to shed light on their complexities: How are they categorized, what are the consequences that follow, and what [...]

By |2024-02-20T15:35:51+00:00February 20, 2024|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Felony Drug Charges in North Carolina

Understanding Your Rights at Sobriety Checkpoints

Picture this: You're driving home after a dinner out with friends when traffic slows to an agonizing crawl. You wonder if there's an accident ahead. Flashes of blue and red emanate from the horizon— a clear indicator that whatever has happened, the police are involved. As you approach what you assumed to be a vehicle wreck, you notice an officer stopping a car a few paces ahead. His flashlight shines across the driver's face, and that's when you realize you're not amidst a traffic jam. You're entering a checkpoint. Sobriety [...]

By |2024-02-15T20:36:45+00:00February 13, 2024|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Understanding Your Rights at Sobriety Checkpoints

Essential Advice for Defendants Facing Felony Homicide Charges in North Carolina

Facing felony murder charges in North Carolina is a daunting experience. The stakes are incredibly high, and the complexity of the legal system adds to the stress and confusion of this type of charge. As a seasoned legal team with years of experience in handling these serious cases, the Gross Law Group is here to provide our expert advice to help you and your loved ones navigate this challenging journey. Understanding Felony Murder Charges In North Carolina, felony murder is a unique and significant charge that occurs when someone loses [...]

By |2024-02-15T20:36:03+00:00February 5, 2024|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Essential Advice for Defendants Facing Felony Homicide Charges in North Carolina

Common Misconceptions About Criminal Defense: Debunking Myths in North Carolina

Over our many years of practice at the Gross Law Group, we've encountered several misconceptions about criminal defense. For instance, "the ramifications of a guilty plea" or "the implications of an arrest" are important parts of the legal process, yet there are common misunderstandings that surround them. Our team knows how crucial it is to keep our clients informed on their rights and protections as citizens and debunk myths that could negatively affect their case outcomes. What are the top 5 misconceptions of criminal defense? Let's dive in. Myth 1: [...]

By |2024-02-15T20:35:26+00:00January 24, 2024|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Common Misconceptions About Criminal Defense: Debunking Myths in North Carolina

Guaranteeing 2nd Amendment Freedom: An Overview of NC’s Latest Firearm Protections

Effective December 1, 2023 - North Carolina implemented Senate Bill 41 which amends several facets of our state's firearm laws. This initiative, titled "Guarantee 2nd Amendment Freedom and Protections," affects statewide concealed carry laws and firearm purchase requirements. As such, the Gross Law Group believes it's crucial to keep you informed of any changes to 2nd Amendment laws and your constitutional protections. Let's dive into this act and explore the new rules and regulations it will entail. Senate Bill 41 is divided into three key aspects: Expanded Permit Scope The [...]

By |2024-02-13T14:52:48+00:00January 9, 2024|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Guaranteeing 2nd Amendment Freedom: An Overview of NC’s Latest Firearm Protections

2023 Recap: The New Laws Of North Carolina

Criminal law is dynamic, constantly changing to fit the growing population and evolving culture in any given area; and North Carolina Law is no exception. Our state added 26 new laws to the books over the course of 2023. At the Gross Law Group, we believe in keeping our clients (and all citizens, for that matter) informed on new additions and updates to our ever-developing legal code. Below, we've listed a summary of the most pertinent rules and regulations that came into effect last year: The Pretrial Integrity Act brought [...]

By |2024-01-04T19:25:08+00:00January 4, 2024|Uncategorized|Comments Off on 2023 Recap: The New Laws Of North Carolina

Can You Record Police Officers in North Carolina?

Since smartphones emerged and started playing an active role in our everyday lives, most Americans carry a recording device in their pockets wherever they go. As a result, the ubiquity and frequent use of these devices have raised several questions about who or what can be recorded. This debate has extended into a variety of legal cases, especially during civilian interactions with local police. In North Carolina, understanding recording laws, when they are allowed and when they are not, is crucial to exercising your rights responsibly. Is there ever a [...]

By |2023-12-19T17:00:15+00:00December 19, 2023|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Can You Record Police Officers in North Carolina?

What does the Pretrial Integrity Act mean for North Carolina?

North Carolina recently passed the Pretrial Integrity Act that became effective October 1st of this year. While this bill primarily affects the bail bonds process, this ruling will extend how our justice system handles criminal cases. The new bill aims to make pretrial detention fairer and more effective. However, as with any new initiative, this act comes with its set of challenges and differing views from law enforcement officials. At the Gross Law Group, we're dedicated to keeping our clients informed about North Carolina law, so let's dive into everything [...]

By |2024-01-03T15:32:23+00:00November 28, 2023|Uncategorized|Comments Off on What does the Pretrial Integrity Act mean for North Carolina?

You Have the Right to Remain Informed: Miranda Rights in NC

Miranda Rights are some of the most crucial legal protections we have as American citizens. While their name and basic information seem to be well-known, (thanks to police and detective films), the purpose and intended use of these rights are still widely unknown to the average citizen - primarily those who have never been detained by law enforcement. At the Gross Law Group, we believe it's crucial for all North Carolinians to know and exercise the laws that protect them during an arrest. Throughout this article, we'll review the origin [...]

By |2024-01-03T15:33:11+00:00November 13, 2023|Uncategorized|Comments Off on You Have the Right to Remain Informed: Miranda Rights in NC
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